Travel Reviews

Saturday, November 3, 2012

A little update ...

I mentioned in my last post that I was working with a new client and their house for a tour of Christmas Homes in Lewiston, New York. They're a great, young couple who have a lot of energy! I thought I'd give you a little update of the room, before and as it is right now, before I finish and decorate it for Christmas. Ready?

The formal living room. Their house is on the escarpment, with a full view of the Toronto skyline and the lower Niagara River valley. It's a multi-million dollar view in a million dollar home. The living room has beautiful wallpaper in a very neutral color and "barely there" pattern.

There are four bookshelves, two on either side of the room with a window seat/radiator cover spanning the gap. The furniture is from Ethan Allen, covered in a fabric to help bring in the color of the antique Aubusson carpet. It isn't a bad space as is ... but there was something I thought would help give it a little more pop!

Enter these gorgeous slips, made from Calico Corners' Ranger Twill by the ever so talented Michelle Hook of Custom Interiors Sewing  If you're looking for slipcovers in Western New York, you HAVE to go to Michelle, she's absolutely the best!

Not only did she beautifully sculpt the fabric to gracefully meet the same shape of the wood on the chair, she made these amazing ties for the side and back to bring a little femininity into the space. How did they look in the space, you ask?

Beautiful, right? This room will have a flocked Christmas tree, festooned with crystal ice-cycles, glittered birds and birdcages, and lots of gold and sheer ribbons - so the white slipcovers are just going to make everything look so perfectly pristine. We've still got a lot of work to do, including 2 other rooms for the tour, before we move onto other areas of the house.

On Monday, these chairs will arrive to complete the seating arrangement ...

The rest of the space still has work, I mean - we're getting new art, new lighting, new shades ... a lot. But it will be oh so gorgeous in the end.

Another quick look. I love the slips, but the best part is that my client does too! In fact, she was overjoyed with this piece coming together exactly as I had sold it ... and I think now she likes the rug a lot more than she did before. What a huge bonus, since it was incredibly expensive and replacing it was not in the cards.

Still so much more to do, but I felt like I was holding out on you guys and gals for long enough. Right now I'm working on the bookshelves ...

But I'm missing moss, rosary beads, African porcupine qulls, jute bound, French manuscript pages, and some cross bottles!
I'll share more as we progress!  


  1. Love seeing what you are doing! You could share details like this everyday with us.♥♫

  2. Wow! It's amazing how these slipcovers transformed this room. They are simply beautiful! Congrats on a wonderful transformation.

  3. Wow! It is amazing the transformation those slipcovers made. It went from looking frumpy to fresh!! Great job...and the rug looks wonderful now!

  4. This is great inspiration for me Artie as my furniture is similar in style and I've been contemplating going with slipcovers on a few of the pieces.
    Soooooooooooo.....thank you!
