Travel Reviews

Thursday, January 26, 2012

LOVE ... Window Seats


  1. Artie, window seats just add that touch of comfort and warmth to a room! A spot to read with lots of cushions plus a small table for a cup of tea or wine...perfect!

    Art by Karena

  2. I love cozy ... can't choose a favorite, I would have all of them if I could!

  3. Window seats are one of my most favorite things in a house. We had two of them built in when we remodeled this house and I love them! xo Diana

  4. Artie, I love window seats. If I ever designed a house there would be bookcases and deep window seats in several rooms. My dining room is also a library and I have a window seat with ganite topped base units and bookcases built on top on both sides of the window seat. It's so handy when I have more than six, I just push the table up so two can sit on the window seat and six can squeeze around the round table. It's cozy.

  5. I love window seats, especially in libraries. I had one in my library in Hudson, NY, but don't have an opportunity to have one in Florida. I miss it, but the warm weather makes up for many things. The images here are lovely.
    All the best...Victoria

  6. Oh these are all so beautiful. I have the luxury of having three window seats in my home. Now I feel lucky!
