Travel Reviews

Sunday, April 13, 2014

House Dreaming ...

So, Scott and I have been seriously thinking about moving to Florida for a long time. This was never meant to be our "forever" home, or our "forever" location. We always knew that we wanted to be somewhere a little ... different, and how different can you possibly get? So, while it's 2-3 years in the future, I can't help but day dream a little bit about what might be in the not too distant future.

So, with that said, I found this little place online today:

I know what you're thinking. It's ugly. But it could be lovely. We're really downsizing in our move, only looking at ranches, and in established neighborhoods with large trees and landscaping. So, this house fits the bill in all those things - just needs that special touch. For this house, I'd clad the existing cinder block with stone veneer on the left. Something like this: 

I like the mix of charcoal and copper. The rest of the house would be painted a deep, rich charcoal gray. And I'd want to get a new front door, and take the shutters off of the exiting windows. This house doesn't need, and shouldn't have shutters. 

So now we have something like this, right? Much better! As you can see, the chain link fence stays, and is planted with fast growing evergreen ivy. The link gates are replaced with wooden ones, and the door is replaced with a wood version, stained the same color. The whole house goes charcoal (MS Flagstone) and that windowless bump out to the left is clad in stone. Looking pretty good right? I mean, all it needs is a couple of ferns on either side of the door in large terra cotta pots. (I wish I had better software - but I wanted to get the idea across, and this was the best I could do!)

So,what do you think? Lipstick on a pig? Or diamond in the rough?


  1. You serious? What area you thinking about? I live on East coast, Melbourne area. If you want to know about this area and what it is like, let me know.

  2. Every house can be beautifully renovated. You are right to focus on a good area with the mature lot you like. You can fix the house but hard to grow giant trees!

    We visited Florida last February and I loved it. Heaven. I'd live there in a hot second.

    Good luck!!
    xo Terri

  3. I live in SW Florida and love it. Every other person in the country was envious of our climate this winter. I know because half of them, it seemed, came here to get away from the polar vortex. Depending on the neighborhood (if there aren't many foreclosures, etc.) this could be a diamond in the rough. The way you altered it makes it look like a mid-century modern. If that is the style you like, take a look at downtown Venice...and have fun dreaming.

  4. I like the house and can easily imagine what you would do with it. I'll follow your blog for the move but there's no way I would go to I already live in a hot, humid, flood prone, mosquito, fire ant, termite, area of TX so I sure move to FL.

  5. Love it, love it, love it. Think the addition of the rock adds the perfect interest to the house. Love the fence idea and the gate matching the front door as well. I love dreaming about the next house.
    I am torn between a ranch that I can gut and open up the ceilings and a farmhouse like Joan's in New Hampshire.

  6. Just started talking about moving to Florida.We think 18-24 months is about our timing. We would be leaving an 8000 sf to hopefully 2-3000. Who needs the upkeep or the winters?

  7. Somehow, I cannot imagine you in Florida, but it will be an interesting project to follow if you make the big move. You may want to check out this latest home decor start up for your furnishings:

  8. Amazing photo and these scenery are looks very excellent .
