Travel Reviews

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Flower Power

No matter which shelter mag you pick up, pages of blogs you peruse, or design books you buy - the power of fresh flower arrangements in styled rooms is beyond match. I've been giving thought to the flowers that I'll be doing for our little photoshoot, and have decided that simple is the way to go ... after all, flower arranging is not the first skill listed on my decorator resume.

The other thing I've noticed, and really just recently, is the addition of green apples in styling. Have you noticed it too? Someone wrote a blog about it, but I can't remember who! Can someone help me here?

Isn't this picture of Steve's ( kitchen amazing? He blogged about his $900 renovation today - and I promise you, you won't believe the before and afters. Check it out here:

So tell me, do you prefer simple or elaborate flower arrangements? Do you prefer to make your own, or indulge in designer arrangements from your local florist? Do you have a favorite flower to work with - let me know!


  1. OK Artie,
    Have a little heart! There are those of us in the over-50 set that read your blog, practically with a magnifying glass in hand! Do you think it would be possible to increase your font just a tad? Thanks so much!
    I generally prefer simple flower arrangements. The mixed arrangements can look like they came from the grocery store. Greenery works too. (good deals in the back yard!) Have you found your area's wholesale flower distributor? So fun! Yes to green apples and limes, too!

  2. Ahhh. Great topic. I love it all...simple, full, one color...varied. But my MOST favorite is cut right from my jungle/garden. LOVE Stevie boy's re-do!

  3. Steve's redo is fabulous!!!!! Everything he does is, just like YOU!!!!
    I love hydrangeas, no need to arrange...just plunk down in a vase. They are beautiful in every stage and color. Lately I have gone crazy over cotton. Picked right from the fields and left on the stem. It makes a beautiful natural arrangement. This inspiration came from Canada's Sarah and her country home. I am lucky enough to live near many cotton fields. :)
    xoxo Dianne

  4. First, that gray hutch with allium, I could just die.

    Second, thank you for the shout out! Don't tell anyone my green apples are fake. Crate and Barrel. They look amazing.

    I like both flowers and fruit. Simple, casual flower arrangements that look like they just came out the garden in white or greenish-white are my favorite.

  5. Beautiful images Artie. I love that hallway with the framed etchings and the old rug. I also love love love the wall of mirrors. And of course Steve's kitchen...! He is my hero. :D

    A great collection of photos - I am resaving some to my files. Thanks!
    xo Terri

  6. Wait! Wait! Are you from Niagara Falls, NY????

    I was born there and grew up in Lewiston Heights.

    Now, to your ab-so-lu-te-ly stunning, ravishing idea-driven blog. I'm in thrall.

    Having lived in France for some 25 years, flowers are naturally part of decoration our home as they are in every French abode I have ever visited. I do my bouquets once each week and place them all over our house. At this moment, as I write to you, I have my last yellow roses in a small yellow Murano vase sitting on my desk.

    What serendipity to have found you.

    Warm regards,

  7. Hi Artie, these images take my breath away. The first one is so me I could die. Unfortunately, my writing spot doesn't look like that, but a girl can dream. I love taking random stuff from outside. There is nothing like a fresh arrangement, no matter what it is.
    Oh, and I want in on the dinner with you and Steve at your house!!

  8. Fabulous images! I love the first one!

  9. As a floral designer, I've thought about this a lot actually. Like interior design, floral designers are taught to think about using a variety of shape, size, color, and texture. But that gets lost in photos of interiors and can distract. I think that's why we see very simple blocks of color made from one flower in shots of rooms.

    I like both!

  10. Beautiful flowers! They add such a lovely touch of color and joy to any space. 🌸

  11. I loved your blog on Flower Power! Your insights on floral trends and creative arrangements are inspiring. The tips for enhancing floral displays were especially helpful. Thanks for sharing your expertise and making flower arrangements so approachable and fun!
