Travel Reviews

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Clutter My World

So, although everyone has their own opinion on how much is too much - I appreciate a little well placed clutter here and there. It's an English Country look that has morphed its way into other styles - mostly acquainted with country, whether it be French Country or Country - you'll see piles of cherished baubles stacked on every surface, layers upon layers of fabric and rugs - in short STUFF! And lots of it!

And while I sometimes clear everything off in favor of something "cleaner" and more sparse, I always come back to the clutter - enjoy the inspiration shots, and comment to let me know: Are you a less is more kinda decorator ... or do you love to clutter it up?


And if you're looking to add a little beauty to your clutter ...

Just click on the photo to view the inventory ...


  1. Artie I love to see collections of others and peruse their shelves/ living spaces. That fabulous chest with the special box grouping on top!!

    I go back and forth creating vignettes and then stashing finds away in my huge armoire!

    As you know I am excited about building my New Collection!

    Art by Karena
    The 2012 Artist Series

  2. I am a lover of "organized clutter." It just has to be done a certain way... It isn't always easy to pull off. All the examples you've shared are beautiful. To me, "clutter" (when done properly) means lived in... Cozy... Homey. Great post!


  3. I guess I would have to say, I'm a "less is more" kind of gal.

    However, with that said - I think I could do "MORE", depending on the colors and softness in the room. For example - the 2nd photo in your post, the soft sofa, the olden looking pictures hung on the wall, the reflection of the olden mirror above the fireplace in the mirror on the other wall, is appealing to me. The soft sofa...the aging look to the colors and the pictures all have appeal to me.

    Thanks for the inspiration!!!

    Jan :)

  4. Beautiful pics....I would say I fall somewhere in the middle. Not too much but definetely not a minimalist either :o)

  5. Yes, I do love the cluttered look, as long as it's beautiful clutter. I really love lots of book shelves and pictures.

  6. I love a little clutter,
    they make a space real lived-in and takes away the cold vibe.

  7. I love the balance: clutter against sparse organization. Like a rest in music, it makes the music. Jo @ Let's Face the Music

  8. I love collections, well displayed. It give a home life and gives the viewer a little insight into the person who inhabits the space. I have lots of collections and lots and lots of stuff, but I am more John Saladino than Charlotte Moss.


  9. I love the clutter of displayed collections. It tells so much about the homeowner/person...their interests,etc.
