Travel Reviews

Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Buffalo Spree Home Feature

Buffalo Spree Magazine, is Western New York’s only city and regional magazine, and has been focusing on the arts, entertainment, fine dining, local history, local events, and local people for 45 years. For the last 4 years, they branched out into the shelter magazine market, and bi-annually print their Buffalo Spree Home feature publication.

I blogged about the photoshoot this fall and anxiously waited for the magazine to print all winter long. Then got my copies last week, and was pretty pleased. You never quite know what to expect with this sort of thing. The photographer, KC Kratt, took so many photos while they were here, and although I knew there was no way I would have a 25 page feature (wouldn't that be nice) I had my pics for what I thought they'd choose.

For instance, I had hoped this shot would make the cover of the magazine. A vignette on our dining room table that I styled for the photoshoot. It didn't make the cover, but the editor did choose to put it in the front of the magazine as a "First Glance" to my feature on page 62.

There were other shots of the dining room that didn't make the final cut. But you can view my shots of the dining room here:

A rarely seen room on the blog, our foyer. The chair is the lone armchair to our old dining room set, which I turned into a sort of bergere chair with the square down seat cushion. The pillow is axis hide, and came from a very dear bloggy friend. Fabrics are from Calico Corners. The gilded footstool is covered with an antique red rug remnant, and the lantern is from Shades of Light.

The article was written by Nancy J. Parisi, a free-lance writer for the magazine. She did a wonderful job.

Our sunroom. Or a corner of it, anyway. The hand-carved warrior was a purchase Scott made long before we met in Miami. I'm not a fan of televisions being turned on in photos - but it's something the the photographer does for Buffalo Spree Home. 

The living room and sunroom seating areas. I was surprised that these two photos were so small, but again, it's an article - not a photo spread.

Our front facade and pergola area in the backyard. It's a spring magazine, so I suppose I understand why they used exterior shots - but I hate that photo of the front of my house. The photographer showed up when the sun was in the wrong spot, and the tree shaded the front of the house, making the house appear so dark, and the garden almost unrecognizable. I knew that his shots of the front were going to be this way - he did too, so I took a photo of our house when the light was right ... but I guess the layout didn't accommodate the portrait composure. Here's my photo:

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining. Not at all! I just think for the magazine this shot was better given the light that was available when the photographer shot the front of the house. 

And that's all they wrote, folks! They also post the magazine online, but it hasn't updated yet. As soon as it does, I'll let you know. If you're interested in seeing more photos taken by me of the house you can click on the photos on the sidebar, or see

I've thought about disabling comments for this post. Of course, I want to hear what you think - but part of me knows I'll be disappointed that so many of you don't have the time to comment. Trust me, I know how little time we all have in the day, I rarely get an opportunity to comment on blogs, too. But if you have the time - I'd love to hear from ya!

And last but not least, if you're looking for accessories for your photo-worthy home, give our cross bottles a look. Just click on the photo to head over to


  1. Congratulations on a wonderful spread!

    I will admit that sometimes what we think is best is not what they think is best . . . sigh . . . but it is nice to see your home in a magazine!


  2. Absolutely lovely job, Artie. I think your home is filled with so much character, and I love your sunroom - so jealous! I'm so happy you got this feature, and thank you for sharing it with me - as I'm sure I'm not able to get the magazine in California.
    Congratulations, and hope you have many many more.

  3. Beautiful Artie. Congratulations.

  4. Hey
    Our Buffalo Spree Home Feature
    Appreciate it for this post, I will be extremely thankful to find out these kinds of fantastic information.
    Thank you!

  5. Hi Artie,
    I love what you've done with your home. I'm especially glad that you've honored the intended character of your home by leaving so much of the gumwood in its original, unpainted condition. The effect is rare these days and truly handsome.
    Best regards,

  6. Artie,
    That's awesome! You have a beautiful home, inside and out.

  7. Artie- Congratulations on the spread in the magazine! I think they did a great job. What a nice big article they wrote about your home.

    It is as gorgeous as I remember...AND I DO like YOUR shot of the front of your house better than the one they took. It is much brighter looking.

    Enjoy every moment of being showcased! xo Diana

  8. Wow...I think they did a great have a lovely home! How exciting to have it shown in a magazine!

  9. Your home looks wonderful! Love the foyer, especially the pendant.

  10. I'm so happy for you Artie. You deserve credit for all the work you have put into your home! Looks great. I agree your photo was better but one can't control everything....:)

  11. Congratulations Artie!!! You so deserve it :o) Your home looks absolutely amazing! As you know your living room is my favorite room in your home and it looks so stunning. LOVE IT ALL!!!!!

  12. Congrats Artie !!!!!!I so prefer any of the photos of your home for the front cover than what they chose! I wish I had your talent for vignettes...I am soooo challenged in that department

  13. Wonderful job, Artie. Your blog inspires me every day, and I love following the transformation of your beautiful home. Thanks for sharing...and congratulations!

  14. Artie Congratulations on the Features! And I'm positively swooning over your Cross Bottles!

    Thanks for dropping by for a visit, I'm not always good about commenting either so I completely understand... sadly not enough hours in the day for all the things I'd like to do while online! *LOL*

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  15. What a great honor to have your home featured. We know our own homes so well that we can sometimes choose better than the editor, but, alas, they get to choose. I look forward to seeing the whole article once it is online.

  16. Hi Artie, I too love the vignette you did and think it is more interesting that what the editors picked...but it all is good to me!!!!

    congrats and post this on your blog for all to see

    xx kelley

  17. Artie!!!! What a great article and photo spread. I read every word and enjoyed it all. I love the photos they included, especially your vignette with the apples....such talent. And speaking of talented...if anyone here reads the comments, I'm the proud owner of 2 of Artie's bottles and they are my new favorite bathroom accessories.

    My only disappointment in the article is that they left out your beautiful dining room which is my favorite in the house. Congratulations are still in order!!! So happy for you!

  18. Congrats! Your home looks beautiful. Your sunroom is perfectly personal and so cozy chic.

  19. Wow Artie, your home looks fabulous. Congrats.


  20. ...scott i have always loved your home...and i was so happy to see your beautiful foyer...blessings laney

  21. I can learn and gasp a lot of new styles in attending the seminar.

  22. Artie,

    I love, love, love what you have done with your home. I think it is a perfect reflection of your incredible style. And, remember, magazines only use the most interesting and beautiful homes!

  23. Your home looks great and I love the picture you styled...even if they didn't put it on the cover, its a great shot. How exciting to be featured in a magazine...congratulations!

  24. Congratulations Artie!!
    The feature of your beautifully designed home is "wonderful"!! You should be so pleased. So happy that your gift is being shown to the world!!

  25. Congratulations on the article! BTW, I love my zebra rug. Thanks for the tip!
