Travel Reviews

Monday, April 30, 2012

A little Modern/Traditional Mix

Found: Southern Accents

Now, more than ever, designers and home owners alike are using modern furniture in traditional interiors, creating a fresh and eclectic look just begging to be photographed. As you know, from my endless ramblings about my recent love affair with a certain Sally Wheat and her anything but boring living room, I've been giving a lot of thought to adding some modern touches to my house. 

Designer Credit: Pam Pierce

I think that it takes several misfires in the brain before you have an epiphany. Of course I realized that I loved the Sally Wheat living room immediately, but it might have been because I had already loved pieces of this room featured by blogger, Cote de Texas much earlier.

Designer Credit: Mary McDonald

And of course I have studied Mary McDonalds work, well before buying and absorbing every page of her book a year ago. In this room, she used modern Barcelona chairs and ghost chairs ... contemporary but traditional ... LOVE!

Found: Nuevo Estilo

If you ever want to browse through beautifully juxtaposed rooms, check out Spanish and English shelter Mags, like Pairings of French and English antiques with modern, Eames era staples make beautiful rooms ... don't you agree?

Designer Credit: Patrick Printy

I'm having some degree of heart failure, deciding on what pieces I should buy to make minor changes to CDLV without breaking the bank. My intention is not to do an entire main floor redo, I don't need it, and I would much rather spend that money on a vacation ... a nice one!

Found: LATimes

I also have a partner who picks apart the purchases that come into the house, and reminds me of the deduction from the bottom line. We don't all have it so easy! No matter, Scott's actually quite fond of the idea of doing a little modern add-in's. 

 Designer Credit: Ashley Goforth

I'm in love with these gilded chairs, and while I'm not a huge fan of mirrored walls in living spaces, I don't mind this. My French bergere's are similar in style to these ...  and I've got a whole stack of gold leafing foil in the basement waiting for a project.

Found: And George

Of course, you all know that when you have rooms that lead onto and in to other rooms, you can't make changes in one without expanding into the other. So ... remember that conversation we had about tablecloths  a few weeks ago? I think with these planned changes, NO tablecloth is the way to go. 

Found: DecorPad

In fact, I had  a long email conversation with my friend Deserae who is seriously a paint genius, she painted this!!!!
via: here

Gorgeous right, click on the link to see the before. Such a change ... and brilliant, she's just brilliant! But I'm not working on armoires. My thoughts, you ask?

 Designer Credit: Steve @ An Urban Cottage: here

How great is this zinc topped antique table in Steve's dining room/library? Steve is lucky enough to live in near a major city where the antique shop actually sent this out to be done for him, unlike myself who calls every sheet metal fabricator in town to have them essentially laugh at me and tell me that they've never done anything like that and have no idea why I'd want it. Ah ... yes, the pinnacle of high style right here in WNY.

So, I found this blog: 
via: here 

which I can't believe I had never read before. Diane, the author is SO creative ... and she has created the most realistic faux zinc paint treatment I've ever seen in blogland: 


So I'm gonna give it a shot. Why not, right? The top needs to be refinished anyway. All of the leaves are already painted black, and if I hate it (or finally find someone who can put the zinc on), it is a fixable solution. Just wish Diane or Des lived closer to me so they could come over and help! 

Of course, I do this and the chairs don't work! Lovely right?

Designer Credit: Linsey Hasenback : LLH Design via: here 

Linsey used French cameo back chairs and slipcovered armless parsons around her zinc topped table.

via: Pinterest (Old Home Decorators Collection)

The French cafe X back chairs seem like a natural fit, right? And I think Restoration Hardware still carries a version. Anyone got them? Are they comfortable?

Designer Credit: Steven Gambrel

Designer Credit: Brooke & Steve Giannetti

Brooke did a mix and match that I happen to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Vintage leather paired up with her grandmother's silver leafed chairs and slipcovered parsons from their store: Giannetti Home, just wonderful!

Designer Credit: Beth Webb Interiors

The wicker is nice, too, right? But I don't have room for these in my teeny-tiny dining room. So they're out ..., and speaking of out: I'm gonna be "out" for a little while. I've got a big birthday coming up (crying over 30!!) and I'm preparing to shift off to Brimfield for my first big show. I love you all, but I have to work a little to pay for these multiplying changes in my head. See you soon! 
xoxo, Artie


  1. You had me at Barcelona chairs. I've not seen that first image and I LOVE it. And a few of the others are old favorites...and I'm not referring to my dining room :) I'm about to inherit some very modern chairs from a friend so I'm on the same wavelength of trying to decide what tweaks need to be made to make them work.

    Thought you might want to cross reference this zinc how-to:

  2. nothing better than MIX MIX MIX!

  3. Awesome post! I love mixing old and new things together. It gives the home decor accents a really unique look. You should check out World to Home, they've got a lot of vintage reproduction stuff you guys might like.

  4. I love a mix of antique and modern. I have that in my own home. All antiques make a home looked dated to me. Mary McDonald is a genius at layering. Of course, I love Steve's zinc-topped table too.
    Good luck at Brimfield and have a great time. It's frenetic but lots of fun.

  5. Lovely table! Love the colors! thanks for sharing..
    toko busana muslim

  6. Hidy Ho!
    I finally got my entry finished enough to take photos. Please use them if you want. Gina

  7. I can't believe we meet again! The Cross Bottle Guy! I'm definitely calling you on Monday….love this post! and love modern mixed with old! Embrace 30!!! Trust me!!! I'm still claiming 39!!! Enjoy Brimfield! I've always wanted to go!!
    Talk to you soon!

  8. Wnoderful faux zinc paint treatment. I will serious have to remember this.

    Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault.
