Travel Reviews

Monday, April 9, 2012

Some Bad News

My computer caught a nasty virus which forced me to factory reset my computer, losing all of my photos ... along with some other very important documents, because the virus had corrupted all files and nothing could be "backed up" as it could have potentially negatively affected the host computer. If this sounds like geek mumbo jumbo - don't worry - it sounded that way to me too!

Worst part of it is - I don't really know where I got the darned thing! So I have no idea if I am going end up there again ... and again, lose all of the things I start clipping as of today.

Anyway - give me a few days to get my resources pulled back together, and our LOVE posts will start again. Til' then, why don't you take a look at the new bottles over at Cross Bottle Guy?  You might find something you just have to have!


  1. So sorry. Has happened to many of us. You probably know this, but just in case. Auto back up to an external site or drive for your pix and your own docs only. Not a perfect plan but it will help prevent a great deal of what usually is valuable to most people. Links and emails usually carry your culprit, but not always. You will be up and going again before you know it: D

  2. Ooooo the malicious little things cause so much grief..just went through the same thing a few months ago and still can't believe people do it on purpose for fun

  3. I was wondering where I got mine. Now, as Paul Harvey would say, I know the rest of the story.
    Nah, but if you're like me it doesn't hurt to have a couple of TBs of storage for all the cyber clutter.
    Look forward to you finding your groove again.

  4. I am sorry this happened to you, Artie. I had the same thing happen to me about 3 months ago. It is just overwhelming, isn't it? Good luck~and we'll see you soon- xo Diana

  5. So sorry Artie, such a pain. I had my hard drive crash, but luckily was warned in advance so could backup all info (which I hadn't done until that point:O) Dell wiped it all back to factory standards (I hate Dell;) and I've since stolen Dan's computer as it's such a royal pain to get everything back on. I purchased a external hard drive (got one that can hold tons for about $99- not the cards as they hold lots less and cost the same and you will just be using this from home and don't need to carry it around your neck;);) Unless, of course, you just like that fashion statement!!
    good luck!

  6. I pay around $6 a month for Mosy Home to back up all of my files .... WELL worth it, Artie.

  7. We had that happen as well . . . and so instead of fixing the old computer we bought a Mac -- best thing we've ever done --

  8. I am so sorry, Artie. I pray it never happens to me, I would cry if I lost all my pictures!!!!! Hope your Easter was beautiful. XO, Pinky

  9. Artie.... I am so sorry. I know you must feel heart broken. Pinterest is a great tool that I use to locate pictures, and the best thing about pinterest (for bloggers) is the src-img search tool works with pinterest. Look at it this way.... your blog will only get better. Look at it as a new start. Don't look back. You will be ok Artie.... Meranda

  10. just read this - get carbonite. it's so cheap - it backs up your computer 24/7 offline. if this ever happened, it could restore everything for you. get it today. it's worth its cost. i would die if i didn't have carbonite. but i also back up my pictures every once in a while - about once a month - to a harddrive. plus i have carbonite.
