Travel Reviews

Monday, May 28, 2012

Wrapped Around Orange

So, at 10am I'll learn whether or not some other person in Buffalo with fabulous taste took my sofa. And yes, I said MY sofa. In my mind, I've already bought it and began working around it, sure no money has changed hands, there is a possibility that someone stole it from me, I should have probably had them hold it ... too bad it's not near a window ... I'd drive over now and take a peek. Anyway - enough rambling, in a few hours I'll know if I can give it a new home at CDLV.

Interior Design by Mary McDonald

I grabbed a few of my favorite magazines and books from my office library and started digging for inspiration. Mary McDonald, an icon and one of my favorite designers, had her private residence photographed for Veranda's 2008 Christmas issue showing off her amazing collection of blue and white with 18th century daybeds covered in cut linen velvet in persimmon.

I love that she mixed her blue and white jardinieres with the orange velvet in a room with so much natural woodwork. Though far more amazing than my room, it's a wonderful source of inspiration.

Interior Design by Celery Kemble

Celery Kemble, who always uses the best color combinations, used orange velvet pillows on this tufted serpentine sofa. But the real inspiration here is the sky blue and white color combo. So fresh.

Barcelona Apartment found Here

Here the orange velvet daybed pairs up with chocolate and black in an apartment in Barcelona. You already know that I'm in love with Martha Stewart's Monks Cloth, with appears to be very similar to this wall color. I don't want to paint the room darker though, if anything, lighter - still a backburner thought.

I was shocked to find this image which is eerily similar to the color and style of my (um, soon to be my) sofa.
Found: from Barter Books

I mean eeeeeeeeeerily similar. I'm so glad to find this so that you all can see the beauty of this sofa in the event someone else snagged her. Check out the wear on that silk velvet! Can't you see why I'm having a total love crush on it?  Ah, I'm having palpitations ... time to move on.

Interior Design by Eilene Kathryn Boyd

Eilene Kathryn Boyd used bold, bright fuchsia with her orange velvet in this beautiful room. It's a bit too ... um, not me, but I do love the orange.

 Interior Design by Ron Marvin

Ron Marvin pairs orange velvet with charcoal and white, so sophisticated, don't you think?

Interior Design by Miles Redd

Miles Redd pairs this orange firescreen with olive and red. The master of color once again pulls colors together that I would have NEVER put together. 

Interior Design by Miles Redd

Another Miles Redd masterpiece, this time orange paired with high gloss navy and deep sage. Love the antlers, too.

Interior Design by Marshall Watson and Jeffrey Kilmer

A sorta Swedish inspired look that gray and blue wash on the furniture ... but the biggest inspiration was the suzani covering the couch cushions and the plaid over the window! Did I not blog about this yesterday! Love this combo.

 Interior Design Credit: Darryl Carter found Mark D Sikes Blog Here

And while I know there are no oranges in this room, just lemons (hahaha) I like the arrangement of the furniture and those oriental inspired side tables as coffee tables. The sofa (though not orange) is actually a lot like the orange velvet sofa I am calling mine in size/scale. So this room gives great inspiration for layout and accessories!

Of course, I do love the mother of pearl inlay tables and furniture that Mary McDonald used in her house with orange:

Interior Design by Mary McDonald

Ah, so I've sufficiently filled your morning with orange goodness, now back to your coffee or tea (or diet Pepsi if you're a blogger after my own heart) and I'll check back in tomorrow - hopefully with photos of my new antique orange silk velvet sofa.


  1. So hope you get the sofa - it definitely needs you as the owner. Loving all of the orange inspiration this morning, especially the images from Mary McDonald. I think I still have every Veranda from its inception! Thrilled to find and follow your beautiful blog!!

  2. The sofa sounds fab - I hope you get it. I really like the orange velvet chaise in the first picture from your previous post. I like it with that blue flowered wallpaper. Good luck!

  3. Artie fingers are crossed that you get the sofa! I can't wait to hear!! ALL of the images are scrumptious!!

    Art by Karena

  4. Good Luck!! Looking forward to seeing it :-)

  5. great post! i am a big orange fan but have a hard time working it into my (gray toned) house. sometimes i buy orange roses for the bedside table because it is the only room orange really looks great in. i love, love corals, and persimmons and orangey pinks. it goes with a lot too - i also wear orange sparingly. i wear a lot of black, gray, beige and pale blue, and have a few orange leather handbags, etc. that totally perk up a winter outfit.


    i cannot wait to see your sofa. why didn't you get them to hold it??!?!!

  6. I hope you get the sofa, Artie. Good luck.

  7. Love the direction your heading!
