Travel Reviews

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Thoughtful Words ...

My friend Lynda of Focal Point posted this on her facebook page this morning, and it really struck a chord with me. I've spent a lot of time, recently, changing things ... when all the while I should have had this framed, and hung on every wall in my house. 

Make the best of your day, today, and remember to give thanks for the beautiful things you do have! 


  1. I am so delighted you shared this.. I need to have that framed! Have a blessed week.. xo marlis

  2. Very true. Good reminder!♥♫

  3. That is something we all know, but easily forget. Thanks.
    XO Victoria

  4. WOW so very Humbling,I will be framing this as well,thanks Artie:)) Deidre~

  5. I am SOOOOOOO trying to Simplify and Mimimize my possessions... it is a Process for me and alas, does not seem to come naturally. But that saying strikes a chord with me too and I'm trying to make progress in that direction.

    Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  6. Artie thank you for posting these wonderful words to remember and live by!

    Art by Karena
