Travel Reviews

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Cobblers Son Has No Shoes ...

Isn't that the expression? The Cobblers son has no shoes, the Mechanics wife has a flat, the Doctor's daughter is sick ... I could go on, but what I find most amusing: THIS Designer's house is a MESS! And to make matters worse, we have a showing tomorrow.

Since June I've been involved in a shift in the house, I gave away the guest bedroom furniture and bedding, I bought a sofa, sold a sofa, sold all four of the leather chairs I complained about seemingly endlessly. The house has been a veritable swap meet, things coming in, going out ... in short, it was the WORST possible time for Scott to decide we need a new house.


To make matters worse, my foot is giving me problems again, and I fell down the stairs this morning. I've been working very hard at my new "old" job, and Scott has had to manage all of this by himself. If the person stopping by tomorrow reads the blog, I apologize in advance, and promise you - if you buy the house, I'll clean it before you close. 

What are you up to today? 


  1. Always seems like things came at the worst times - I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell

  2. Stop. Breathe. No more falling down stairs. Hope you make a sale! That's the whole point, right?♥♫

  3. Hi Artie, it will all come together, it always does!! Good luck.

  4. Hope you're ok and didnt hurt yourself too bad from falling down the stairs! Good luck with the house!

  5. If I lived nearby, I would come over and help you. As someone else said, breathe. You can only do what you can. Best of luck tomorrow.

  6. Artie, I can TOTALLY relate. We have a showing tomorrow too AND our pre drywall walk through at the new house tomorrow afternoon! I hope you didn't get hurt!!!!!!!!!! Please be careful. I hope we BOTH sell our houses. XO, Pinky

  7. I bet no one but you thinks it's a mess! Feel Better

  8. What some people won't do to get out of work! (Just kidding Artie.)

    If I lived closer, I definitely would be offering a hand. Sincerely sorry to hear of your setback. Hugs, hugs -Brenda-

  9. Your living room is well designed. The sofa, the wall color and the grandfather clock color complements each other in the background.

    hvac northern virginia
