Travel Reviews

Sunday, December 2, 2012

White Christmas ... Lewiston Tour of Homes

Well, the tour is over, and I know one blog reader came through. Thank you to you! For those of you who couldn't make it or are simply too far away - here's a few more photos of the home I decorated for the tour. Of course, the owner is a client of mine, so decorating inside was quite easy ... it had to be just like her: beautiful, elegant, and laid back. Enjoy!

As an aside: You can buy this lovely tree from here. I love working with their trees! They're so beautiful and realistic, not to mention sturdy and perfect for large or massive amounts of ornaments. They also have the foot button extension cords built right in, so there's no bending over every night to unplug the tree! 


  1. what a lovely room. I especially like that white reindeer and it's size.

  2. The room looks so pristine. Like freshly fallen snow. The slipcovers are perfect. Everyone must have loved it!

  3. Beautiful as always - every detail in place; right down to the white M&Ms!!

  4. you did this room?!!! love love love love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. L-O-V-I-L-E-E, Artie! So many beautiful elements it is difficult to know where to begin.
    Applause, applause .... now take a bow. -Brenda-

  6. Beautiful!!! Must be loved by all who saw it!

  7. The room looks absolutely fabulous! Those slipcovers made the room!

  8. Wow.. stunning!! Keeping these photos for inspiration.

  9. What a gorgeous room - love all of the white and the slipcovers are stunning!!
