Travel Reviews

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A break ...

Goodbye To You

I'm taking a bit of a break from the blog for a while. I have had a wonderful deal of fun meeting and being inspired by all of you - and I thank you for going about this journey with me. But I need some time to decompress, relax, become reinspired, and realize my passion and joy for creating interiors. I've spent 5-years on this blog, it's like a child. I'm not abandoning it - just taking some much needed rest to foster the spirit that should be parenting it.

My best to all of you!


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  2. I will miss your inspiration while you are on down time. Enjoy, regroup and decompress the way you need to!

  3. thinking about taking one too. take care and recharge! xoxo janet

  4. Have a great rest and blog break I am looking forward to your coming back refreshed and renewed!

  5. Rest and Relax~ We all need to! I know I need to too! Who said blogging was easy. I love your work, and I am always running into your posts in web land! Huge Blessings! Meranda

  6. Hope you find peace, energy and inspiration! Enjoy!

  7. I HEAR YOU loud and clear!! Although I haven't been blogging as long as you (WOW! 5 years?!! Bless you!!) I too questioned taking a hiatus from blogging to regroup & recharge. But in the words of The Visual Vamp, I'm going to 'keep on bogging' - just maybe less and more structured.

    One thing I started today to help build that structure is start a blog binder (to set monthly theme & schedule post topics & collect future post ideas.) Social Media seems to be zapping my energy (and focus!) so I'm cutting back on time spent on places like FB & TW.

    Since I moved from FL to AZ last year, I lost my enthusiasm for blogging. This month, searching thru Pinterest, taking online classes, reading tutorials and now going to attend the Design Bloggers Conference in LA (in March) seems to be re-invigorating!

    enJOY your break and time of reflection. I hope you find peace & happiness... and re-join the blogging world soon Artie <3

    xo Lynda

  8. I hope this break from blogging will be just what you need. Your posts have always been among my favorites, Artie. You have a great deal to offer in this format, but I am sure the obligation of producing frequent posts can be hugely time consuming and can leave little time for other passions. I will miss your posts and hope you find the joy you seek.
    XO, Victoria

  9. Am going to miss you Artie Ben but do hope you relax and enjoy your hiatus from Blogland. Warmest hugs

  10. I will miss your blog which I consider one of the most beautiful (of the rest). Get recharged and we will all be waiting for you.

    Shane Sjtorm

  11. good for you Artie.... rest and recharge. you will be so happy that you took a break with so much going on in your life right now. I will continue to see you over on Instagram!
    Wishing you peace and joy!


  12. Sit back and relax a earned it. We will miss your posts and all your inspiration. Thank you for sharing your passion for decorating with us. This break is just what you need to recharge. See you when you get back. Peggy from PA

  13. I have enjoyed your decor blog the past year and will read back at your older post. Have a great break!

  14. We all do it. It's a good thing!

    We'll be here when you come back. :)

  15. Hey there Artie! Good for you! I totally get where you are at and in a few months or even weeks you will start to feel like you need to share all of your really creative ideaswith the world again!


    xxx's Kelley
