Travel Reviews

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Picture is Worth ...

Am I the only one having trouble getting blogger to load photos? It's infuriating!

Still, I figured I'd update you with some pictures over the next few days, that are a little better than what the phone takes for Instagram. I took this one of the living room last night ... and it's impossible to point out all of the changes that have taken place since you last saw the space. And there are still a couple that need to be done.

I promise I'll get around to giving you great photos of the whole room, the background, the process, and all of that ... but as a tease and a sort of "I'm back" I thought I'd give you this to chew on! Any questions asked in the comments of this post will be answered in the post about the room coming soon ... so ask away!

I hope you're having a great week - I'm off to pick my mother and the kiddo's at the airport, see you in a while with a few more snapshots of CDLV, but whilst you wait - check out Instagram!


  1. This looks beautiful, Artie! Seriously.

  2. Thank you Steve. It's quite a change, right? I mean the shapes are all different, and it's like color exploded in there. But it's coming together. We have some watercolors that Scott bought in St. Petersburg Russia that I am going to have framed in those large modern brass frames to the right of the wall behind the chair. I'm glad you like it ... look for more photos soon!

  3. I heart your fireplace and mantel!

  4. Love the colors. Btw, are you using Windows Live Writer for your blogging? I like it so much better than the way blogger has you do it. You can copy and paste or just slide the pics from photo gallery into the blog. peggy from PA

  5. I LOVE, LOVE this room!
    The rug is gorgeous, and that sofa!
    Cannot wait to see more.

  6. Hi Artie

    The space looks the new colors. Have you tried Windows Live Writer? It works so much better than the blogger interface. Give it a try if not!

  7. Looks great Artie! Love all the colors.

  8. Love your infusion of colour, Artie. Glad that you haven't painted out the architectural wood details as IMHO it adds warmth to the space. The room is coming together beautifully!!!!!!

    Questions re the fireplace as it seems on occasion to cause you dilemma. Is it a functional one? IF not, have you ever considered eliminating it? AND ... do you have an update on your chalk-board project?

    Wishing you an enjoyable visit with your Mom.


  9. I love that sofa and your slipcoverd chairs!

  10. Artie, I love how warm and comfortable your room looks. I await you following through on Joni Webb's suggestion to paint the fireplace - I believe it will really finish the space.
    Best, Cathy

  11. very interesting article Beautifull photos and great blog!
