Travel Reviews

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Spring CDLV Garden

Recently, Scott and I were asked to have the garden photographed for a local newspaper as part of a piece the reporter was doing for the Lifestyle Section regarding the many garden walks that take place in Western New York. I was quite hesitant because nothing in our yard blooms this time of year. Luckily, the alium and wild columbine came out to play just in time for me to snap this picture of the corner of the round garden.

When I started gardening back here 5-years ago, I never knew that it would turn out to be such a big garden, and also so much work. Just to get this photo, for example, I had to put down 28 bags of mulch, cut back all of the tulips (117) and daffodils (98) that were spent, and plant the chimney pots with pansy ... oh AND, dig out all of the area around the fountain to add the pea gravel path!

I'm tired, and sore, and it's still not the best representation of the CDLV garden. In a few days though, with all the groundwork (no pun intended) finished, the ornamental dogwood tree and peonies will bloom; and that round garden will be a burst of color and blooms. Which had me thinking ... perhaps now that I'm spending time out there, I should update all of you with the progress! What do you think? Good idea?


  1. Absolutely stunning! I vote YES on showing us the garden as things start to grow and bloom :o)

    1. Thank you Des! I will take your vote, and keep on showing the changes. They tend to come on pretty quickly once June arrives, but they're slow to non-existent in May. :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Artie, yes I would love to see the progress of your lovely garden!

    Art by Karena

    1. Thank you Karena ;) ... I'll keep them coming!

  4. Artie it is so lovely, please post more! Love your gravel path lined with brick and that sphere. When are you coming to Ga and Scotts??? XXOO Sarah

    1. Hey Sarah,
      You know - I was just talking to another blog friend of mine about Scotts. I might have to pack up and drive down next Spring. I'm sure that'll give me time to save up for the many things I'm sure I'm likely to find that I can't live without! :)

  5. Artie, it looks wonderful! We have had sooooooo much rain and such very little sunshine our gardens are actually a little disheartening at this time and place. I haven't even planted any annuals yet so there is very little colour. (The Irises haven't even bloomed yet.)
    Looking forward to seeing the progress of yours. -Brenda-
    P.S: Think my neighbour has the right idea as she is using artificial plants in her flower beds this year. ☺

    1. Oh Brenda, you've got to be kidding, right? Fake flowers - I don't know how I could possibly manage that.

  6. Can't wait to see the article in the paper. We have had some great weather in WNY but today is cold and rainy. I always enjoy when you update your blog, always fun. Greta

    1. Oh Greta, can you believe it!?!? 87 to 43 in 24 hours! Who knows what's next!? Thanks so much for reading!

  7. Artie,
    Your talents extend outdoors, as well! PLEASE continue to show us the garden as the season progresses! And you make me laugh- you know you are a gardener when you can say exactly how many bags of mulch, tulips and daffodils!

    1. Oh Mimi, I only counted because I wanted to be able to hold it over Scott's head since he didn't help me take care of it. HA!

  8. Looks beautiful as always Artie! You have a great eye...inside and out...

  9. YES! to garden progress!♥♫

  10. Everything looks lovely. Please keep the progress reports coming. I look forward to seeing your peonies since I cannot grow them in SW Florida.

    1. Thanks Victoria - as soon as they bloom I'll post a pic for you! :)

  11. You have another vote yes. I had pinned this before I even read it!

  12. I always enjoy seeing your gardens, Artie. This shot is gorgeous!

    My vote is yes, progressive photos please!

  13. That is gorgeous. Artie, I've already gleaned ideas from this one photo.. please please.. let us see more. xo marlis

  14. I want to live in that garden! Love it!
