Travel Reviews

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Back ... Jack

Ah, well - we're back from our little "vacation" of sorts, and aside from shin splints I got from overdoing it while paddle boating on the Potomac, we had a great time! I always love meeting people who I know through blogging, and when Michele from My Notting Hill met us for brunch at the hotel, I was so excited! She has such a great blog, and is such a wonderful person! I had a great time spending a couple of hours with her talking about DC, and blogging, and stories of our homes and our blogging history. It was definitely a highlight of the trip.

But, now we're back - and wouldn't you know it, it's snowing! I mean, come on Mother Nature, it's almost April! Why the hell is there still white stuff on the ground? I should be posting pictures of the tulips in my garden ... instead, I'm here again - complaining about the weather! So, of course I found myself buried in summer images to brighten my mood - and I thought that they might do the same for you. Enjoy the Summer catalog for the Norwegian company, Slettvoll:


  1. What???? Sorry I missed you, again :( Tom and I have been out of the country. Glad you had a great trip here. Happy spring. xLoi

  2. It's so nice to see your living room, Amy. I've always loved seeing photos of your home.
    I really like the idea of the fabric for the back of the book cases.
    Everything looks wonderful!
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  3. All of these sceneries are exceptional and your captured skill is so great .

  4. va
