Travel Reviews

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Svelte for Spring

It's been a while since I've updated all of you on my diet progress, so I thought that today, for those of you who have been following along - being wonderful cheerleaders, I might add - I'd let you know how far I've come and how far I still have to go.

As of this morning, I have lost 65 pounds.

So many people ask when I'm going to stop, and that's a question that's not easy to answer. While I use the scale as a measure of my progress, I am relying on the way I look and feel as the final indicator. I can say that I'm not finished losing, and after the loss - there will be maintenance - so I guess I'll never "stop".

I have goals set for particular dates that mean something to me. For instance, I celebrate my 8-year anniversary with Scott this Saturday, then I turn 32 on May 10th, I sing in a concert series May 16-18th, and I show in my last show house the beginning of June. All of these dates have goals attached to them, both a mental visual and a physical scale reading that I hope to achieve.

So how far do I have to go?
Likely another 20-30 pounds.
I know!

Trust me, I know! But I'll get there ... eventually.


  1. So proud of you. When can we see the new you? xo

  2. Congratulations!!!! This is such an achievement.

  3. The beauty of your journey is that you are doing it the right way .. With purpose, intelligence and insight! Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration! I am sending your comment from Barcelona after a fourteen day crossing on Holland America Nieuw Amsterdam!

  4. Even though you are working towards losing more weight, you are already 'there' with a much healthier body and lifestyle. Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations! It sure sounds like you are proud of yourself! And you should be!!

    The good news is what is to come! I am 67; and the doctor at my most recent physical said....."DON"T lose any more weight!!" It has been a small struggle (I call small 10 to 15 pounds)!

    I even get ice-cream with my grandchildren now! It does get easier! (I think!!)

    I love your blog! Congratulations!!

    Any goal met; gets congratulations from me!



  6. OMGoodness, you should be SO proud of yourself! I know we are all anxious to see the "new you":):) I know that you will reach your goals. Way to go!!!!

  7. CONGRATS Artie! So very, very proud of you as 'the battle of the bulge' takes a lot of self-discipline and you have proven to yourself, you have it. Warm hugs -Brenda-

  8. Congratulations having struggled with weight most of my life I can appreciate your achievement!

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