Travel Reviews

Monday, October 6, 2014

Cross Bottle Sale on Cross Bottle Guy

This summer has been so filled with work and side jobs, and a series of personal epiphanies and disasters that I have had such little time to do something that brings me great joy, and that is create my handmade art.
Many of you have seen, and may even collect the bottles known as Cross Bottles that I've sold since 2008. While I'm not the only one who makes them, sells them, or offers them online to retailers and collectors alike, I can guarantee you that if you buy them from me, they're made by me from start to finish!
cross bottles
For those of you who don't know what they are ... the above grouping is a beautiful representation of some old work that now lives in a private collection from a Texas buyer. The work consists of antique and vintage chandelier prisms that have been forged, by hand, using antique stained glass techniques to create cross shapes. Some shapes are very literal, and others are more imaginative or inspired. These beautiful pieces of art, one of a kind in every way, are then attached forever to an antique bottle. Typically, these bottles range in age and color, have embossing and were hand-dug from my local area. I've also been lucky enough to come in to some rosary relics, which I also attach to bottles. They make for great filler.
These bottles are beautiful symbols, and great decoration - and starting Saturday, October 11 at 9AM you can get some for yourself, or start your Christmas shopping a little early for that special person on your list.

The sale ranges from 20 - 50% depending on the piece, and shipping is just $5.00 on each bottle.

After this lot of bottles, we will take a long winter break, with only two other sessions scheduled in the studio, mostly for local reorders at Christmas. So, don't wait long - head over to Cross Bottle Guy on Saturday and pick your favorites! They won't last long! 


  1. eeee -- please post a reminder on Thursday! :D

  2. These cross bottle looks excellent . Like these .
