Travel Reviews

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Moving, Movies, and More

My goodness, what a week it's been. Let me see if I can catch you up to speed. One of my very best friends has been talking about doing a kitchen remodel in her home for the last couple of years. I was "hired" to do the layout, and of course, once we start I'll help with some of the finishing touches. The renovation is huge, with practically new everything and the demolition of a bearing wall between what is now the kitchen and the dining room. Anyway - when I recently was hired to help someone who already has fantastic taste put the finishing touches on her lovely home, I was shocked to find that she was selling her beautiful kitchen - cabinets, appliances, and all! It was perfect for my friend. So, I bought them - without a second thought. Problem is - I now have a garage full of cabinets, appliances, and counters (minus a few the movers couldn't fit into the truck - and my friend is not interested. I KNOW!!! So, we'll see what happens there.

I'm also recovering from a small, but necessary surgery - and even though small, the pain has been terrible. I've missed several days of work, both in the office and at the table creating my cross bottles, but I'm getting back to my old self - and will be working on catching up on all of that! While I've been in bed, I started watching the Showtime series, The Borgias, which was great. Unfortunately though, something's wrong with their download speed so I moved on, and found a movie I had long forgotten ...
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar. Ah, such a great movie. There's such a grand lesson to be learned from this movie - about forgiveness and acceptance - both of others and yourself, all while being terribly campy and a lot of fun! I can't believe how great Patrick Swayze looked in a dress!

Right? Anyway - I've watched it six times since I bought it. I will never get tired of the quips and humor. I've gotten a lot of emails and comments from my last post about my diet changes, and I have to tell you all that I'm right on track! Thanks for the kind words! Now, on to my reading ... I'll post the reviews as soon as I'm done, but I'm working on these: 

That's all for now! 

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