Travel Reviews

Friday, February 28, 2014

Stitches, Stalling, and Spring

Well, today my stitches come out! I had a minor but necessary surgery a couple of weeks ago, and today is the day I can put it all behind me - and stop thinking about it.

For those interested in my weightloss journey, I've stalled a little bit, hitting a plateau as I certainly expected I would. The body needs time to recalibrate, and readjust to a much smaller amount of weight on the frame. So, I assume I'll be back to losing in the next week or so. To date, I'm down exactly 40 pounds.

And I don't know about you, but for anyone living in the now arctic Northeast, I'm so ready for spring I can't see straight! The temperature today, -1. That's not even a realistic number. -1, puh! Scott and I are headed back to DC in March and I really hope that we see a warming trend between now and then, or I'm going to have to go invest in a snow suit.



  1. Artie, so glad you are recovering well! So ready for Spring, of course we have snow and ice coming in this weekend again!

    An Invitation to the Garden

  2. Artie, am glad to hear you are now fully recovered from your surgery. Secondly, CONGRATS on your loss of weight and don't be discouraged reaching a plateau as it is normal. Also might recommend in event you are weighing yourself every day ...... STOP and do it only once a week and if exercising remember an increase in muscle mass/bulk can also add a few extra pounds to your weight. Last but not least; I like yourself feel that Spring cannot come fast enough as I am soooo tired of the winter. ☺ -Brenda-

  3. Congratulations on your weight loss. Amazing.

  4. Congrats on the weight loss but from your picture you sure don't look like you need it! I hope you are recovering, didn't know you had surgery!! I am right there with you, I am OVER this weather but 6-12 inches are predicted here for Sun. night into Monday. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Forty pounds? 40 lbs? That's like another body .... congrats!

  6. Glad you are on the road to recovery. Yup, hoping the weather improves across the pond here too. We are all soggy. A few daffodils showing their little yellow buds are appearing, so yay! Keep well.
    Lovely picture you have posted, the colours are stunning!

  7. Hey, my friend. How did I miss that you had something done? I've been wondering where you are. Glad you are at the end of it. Yes, I hear you on winter! I can't take it one.more.minute. But, alas, we must ;-( Take care!

  8. Well posting you have done on public . So thanks guy for shared .
