Travel Reviews

Friday, May 30, 2014

Our Backyard Round Garden

Well, things are finally starting to slow down around here, and the light at the end of the tunnel is a view into the relaxing round garden at CDLV instead of the train. I've got a garden party tomorrow, the Lewiston Tour of Homes the following weekend, and then one big push with my gorgeous cross bottles, and then I am done! I can get back into the groove of blogging and sharing my changes and additions with all of you! There have been plenty! Til' then, know that I'm still here - and I haven't forgotten you - please don't forget me! 

See you soon! 


  1. I am happy to hear you are busy and productive, and I look forward to seeing all the work you have done. Until then...

  2. Looking forward to it Artie....

  3. Your round garden looks beautiful! I hope you will be able to relax and enjoy it soon!

  4. Blow my mind. I stopped over here from Cote De Texas to look at your post about Mark Sikes. I wouldn't make over my home but my gardens are a definite. After reading a referred post I always check out a blogger's home when I come to a new blog. Just like peaking into your neighbors house, which we know most everyone would love to do. Well you had gardens listed and they are my favorite...........then you mention Lewiston. No way......I live only a small town away. I have always wanted to the Lewiston Tour of Homes but never get the chance. I know there are a few houses that are an inspiration to Menne Gardens at Christmas time. How wonderful to come upon someone so close to home. Well I am off to wander your gardens and then you know I am perusing through your home. Come visit me if you like, I will make sure the paths are weeded before you come. Alaina

  5. So wonder this place . Like it and thanks for shared on public .
