Travel Reviews

Monday, June 2, 2014

Weightloss Update

Some of you have emailed and commented asking about my weight loss progress, so I thought I'd do a quick update with some numbers and goals ... just to keep you all updated. The photo above, is of me, today.

The grand total of pounds lost as of this morning is 84 pounds!

I have another 22 pounds to lose before I feel like I've accomplished my main goal, however, I am extremely excited and happy with my progress thus far.

I used the Paleo Diet program for the first 50 pounds lost, and have since moved to a more suitable lifestyle change for the additional 34 pounds, and hopefully will be able to lose the last 22 pounds with this as well. Lean meats, vegetables, and fruits, along with limited dairy and fats has been easy to stick to, and my work out routine easy to keep.

It's a journey, that I know to be true, and there have been uphill climbs and downhill slides ... but the overall contribution to my health and my well being has been exponential. Thanks for indulging me by reading and commenting on these posts that have absolutely nothing to do with interior design. 

We'll be up and operating on that front again, very soon! 


  1. Congrats on this not easy but amazing and rewarding venture. I'll bet you're having fun getting new clothes!!

  2. Congrats! It's not an easy thing to do,but in the end it is well worth it! I know.Been there-done that.And got good health in the process. You look great!

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  4. Wow…good for you…I need to get the will to make a change in my life, too. Great photo!

  5. I am so proud of you! I have put on some weight since last summer and just saw a picture of myself from this past Sat. and am having trouble believing it is me. It is SO hard to lose!!!! UGH. The fact that I am in my 60's is not an excuse I want to use. I am determined to LOSE this summer. I need to get back to exercising and cut back on ANY fatty food!!! Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Wow, that is amazing. Good for you!

  7. I simply cannot stop smiling .... thrilled, thrilled for you ~~ the new, healthy YOU!

  8. How wonderful Artie - I am so happy for you! And by the way handsome photo too.

  9. You are so handsome and have so much talent! Very proud for you! WOW!! What willpower you must have!


  10. Congratulations Artie! Am so proud of you. It sounds as though you have the situation well under control. Warm hugs -Brenda-

  11. Artie, this is great news. It is not easy but so rewarding. Today I went jean shopping and was able to buy my jeans 2 sizes smaller! I am doing the wheat free diet and it's working. Good luck to you on your continued progress.
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  12. You should feel so proud. This is an amazing feat. Congratulations! You have such discipline!!! It's so impressive. Just amazing!!! You look so handsome in that picture!

  13. You already lost 84 pounds? Wow! That’s amazing. It is quite difficult to lose that much weight even in the time that you have. But you’re right. Weight loss is a long journey. There will be temptations along the way, but as long as you set your eyes on the goal, you’re sure to get where you want to go. Good luck and all the best with your journey! :D

    Roman Willis @ Go Fitness Center

  14. Hello ,
    Your photo and article both are excellent .
