Monday, February 27, 2017


Have you ever had a moment where you just stand there, slack jawed, wondering where the time went? I have no idea where the end of last week or this past weekend disappeared to, but I know it did so swiftly. Wowza! But, I think I'm back on firm footing ... note, I said I think!

This week I will share my 100th book review! Can you believe it!? 100!?!? HOLY CROW! It's so exciting, and I'm just trying to figure out which one will get the honor. Look for that coming soon!

Also, I'm back in the Cross Bottle Guy studio working on fresh new work. So excited about that.

I'll have some updated shots of the bedroom (I made a couple of changes) by the end of the week!


  1. Ain't love grand! Happy for you Artie...

  2. Very happy for you. I just noticed orange tulips in a glass container in Mark Sykes new book also. Ironically it happens on the same day. Orange and blue go beautifully together.

  3. So happy for you Artie! My your days be filled with love & orange tulips!!

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