Travel Reviews

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CDLV Dining Room Photo

I'm still painstakingly and arduously working on the gilded chairs for the dining room. They've turned into something that I wish I had never done ... as the Martha Stewart Living metallic glaze takes 4-years to dry, and once you put it on it's too late to take it off. Anyway - it's coming together, slowly.

Let's see ... details, right?

The new table is 42" round, and a huge (and welcomed) change to my dining room. It's draped with a full length chocolate brown burlap tablecloth with jute fringe from Ballard Designs, and then topped with a Ralph Lauren ecru linen hemstitch square cloth that desperately needs to be ironed - I know!

The basket is from our recent Texas trip. I paid $4.99 for it, and then painted it a thousand shades of gray before settling on this one. Our collection of ironstone holds soft pink roses, green apples (yes - I decided to use them!) and silverware.

In the background, atop our old sideboard, the basket from the old bar area with all of the stuff you've already seen is in front of a wonderful oil painting from a street artist in Russia, and flanked by two giant alter sticks in antique brass ($7.99 each in Austin, Texas) another ivy in a patinated terracotta atop a silver plate, and hugged by an antique Chinese happiness jar with a wooden lid.

I suspect that I'll be done with this room by Friday, so I'll have lots of pictures of this room for you then!! Happy Tuesday!


  1. It looks good already.

    The RL table coverlooks lovely ironed or not.

  2. I like the "taste" that you've given us!

  3. Keep your promise of lots of pictures, please!♥♫

  4. I am so copying that basket arrangment- well, except for the fact that I dont have a beautiful ironstone jug:) I love that..
    I'll be waiting with baited breath an rapt anticipation to see the whole room..
    Have I said lately you are my decor hero.. I love every dang thing you do.
    see ya soon.

  5. HI Artie, thanks so much for coming by. YES< we LOVE Longwood! We are members so go as often as possible, should actually go more. This trip we saw spots we had never seen!!! Wandered all over the place:) Love these shots of the dining room. The basket is great! Can't wait to see the chairs. Some projects are a big, fat PIA:):) XO, Pinky

  6. Ha! 4 years to dry. Thats baby

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  7. Can't wait to check back and see the finished room. So far, so good! The basket looks great - you found the perfect gray. ....and I love the apples! Thank you for your nice comment..!

  8. So far, so good, Artie. I didn't realize that it took so long for that stuff to dry! I love a round dining room table-it makes for wonderful, intimate dinners. xo Diana

  9. I love the vignette on the side table and the ironstone in the's really looking brilliant.

  10. Luke’s Army

    Almost three years after the death of my son, Luke Borusiewicz, who died at the age of two years old in foster care (the average age of children who die in foster care is four and under), the inquest into his death has still not begun.
    A pre-inquest conference was held last week where I attended by phone, but hung up minutes into the conference after hearing blatant and misleading lies from the Queensland Department of Community Services representative. It disgusts me that anyone can tell lies about a deceased baby, but a senior representative of an agency existing in the interests of protecting children, telling lies to protect its own evil interests is incorrigible.
    The judge at the conference has ruled that Luke’s death has still not been investigated properly, another abomination.

    I promised Luke the last time I looked at him laying there in his coffin I would do something about what the department of community services had done to him, and that I would do something to fix the child protection and foster care system, which had mistreated him from the time they had come into our lives.
    People need to realize, this is not a one off case. Atrocities like this are a daily occurrence in the department of community services, world wide.
    These child protection officers are answerable to no one, they are unaccountable for their actions and operate behind a media ban which helps to conceal their mistakes and malpractice.
    The department of community services complaints hotline is a smoke screen for the department, acting as an early warning system alerting the department when their dishonest and unethical behavior has been discovered, allowing time for false statements to be concocted, evidence to be destroyed, and threats against distraught parents to be made.

    Whilst the media are gagged when it comes to exposing the corruption rife within the department of community services, and politicians turn their back on the problems, I have devoted my life to this issue. Parental rights are a thing of the past once a child protection worker enters a family home. The onus is on discrediting a parent, no matter how much love the child and parents have for each other. Luke was everything I ever lived for, still is and always will be. I am quite prepared to go to jail for speaking out about the abuse of power and families by the department of community services staff, especially management, which is where the root of this child stealing machine is routed.
    This last month, first time visitors to the site have increased by 650%. The website Crimes Against Fathers ( has contributed toward a facelift and maintenance for the site.

    I am in the process of picking myself up, and dusting myself off. I still can’t talk about what was done to Luke, I wake up screaming and crying from nightmares, but my faith in God, and my solicitor, eases my anguish.
    The next step for me is to establish a commercial vegetable growing enterprise entitled “Luke’s Army Vegetables”, which will be sold with labels containing links to the website, and the desperate pleas of parents who have been mistreated by the department of community services, their children wrongly removed.
    This plan is already underway. Through this venture I intend to fund legal support for parents who have no hope in this corrupt and cruel system of gaining true legal support.

    I would like to sincerely thank the many people who have given their support and encouragement through this sad time in my life. Thankyou so much for those who post on the site, and all who have joined Luke’s Army, which is now reaching 5000 members strong. Most of all I would like to thank my Lukey Pookey, who showed me what love is, and has given me everything I have in my life, I owe you my life Luke, I love you more than anything in the world son, for ever and ever, RIP.

    Luke’s Dad,
    Michael Borusiewicz

    Life's misfortunes fall disproportionately upon the young
