Travel Reviews

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do you Pinterest?

I confess! I don't pinterest! I know! I got the same reaction when I confessed that I don't twitter, and I only check and post to facebook once a month! I'm simply too busy to keep up with multiple social networking sites, and I choose to bring my thoughts and inspirations to the blog instead.

I have, however, been entirely grateful, and super excited to see more and more pins (and re-pins) of projects and pictures of CDLV from all of my great readers! It's so good to know that you all love:

There are many, many more - but I want to thank all of you for finding my work inspiring! I promise, there will be much much more of my original designs on the blog going forward! Hopefully I'll see more of them pinned by you! And in the event you haven't joined, well - I guess urging you would be like the pot calling the kettle black, now wouldn't it?


  1. You don't PIN??? It has become my favorite thing to do as I browse blogs - so quick and makes referencing so easy!...come on, you'll love it!

  2. I don't do it either. I think it would be a great way to catalog inspiration photos but I couldn't get the pinning utility installed on my computer so I gave up.

    I was surprised to see of my photos pinned too. A huge compliment, right?

  3. You must start Pinning! I don't have a facebook account so this is my indulgence! I have even started hosting a weekly pinterest linky party every weekend. Please pop by if you have 5 minutes. I would be so honoured if you linked up this post!

    Best wishes and happy weekend,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me

  4. I dont PIN, Twitter or Facebook. I just am learning to blog properly lol. I do however love seeing your photos and designs. They inspire me and I keep coming back to see whats new.

  5. I don't consider pinterest a "social" networking site.. i also would not have time for that.. but it's a wonderful place to store all your inspiring photos and they link back to where you saw them.. and it's not a stack of paper... so cool to find your pictures on there.. try it as a photo storage.. you might like it :-)
    xo marlis

  6. Me either, Artie- I haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet. I figure I can only have one addiction at a time...or maybe TWO if you count coffee. I can see WHY you have been pinned though-You are very talented! xo Diana

  7. Artie, I am right there with you! I do my best however A bit of Twitter, Facebook and the blog, well if I started pinning I would never sleep!

    I will email you okay?


    Art By Karena

  8. I wanted to let you know that I gave your blog a versatile award today on my blog. check it out.
