Travel Reviews

Monday, July 30, 2012

Thank You

I want to thank each and every one of you who emailed, commented, and prayed for my family during these last few weeks. It's been a difficult and painful journey, and it was heartwarming to know that I had such a thoughtful group of friends keeping up with Color Outside the Lines.

This blog has been a 4-year journey, one that has opened my eyes to so many different types of design and landscapes, each of them reshaping and refining my personal tastes. It has allowed me a platform for experimentation and positive critique without judgement, and given me a steadfast group of mentors I could email and get immediate help with all design crises.

CDLV has been visited by more people than I ever imagined would walk through the door, and I've learned a lot from working around the constraints of this, my first "real" home. I always knew that CDLV would one day be long behind us, a thoughtful bump in the road, and when Scott called me while I was in Texas to say he had found our new house, I have to admit I jumped up and down a little bit.

That's right! We're cutting ties to CDLV, moving onward, upward, and into something more befitting to our  current taste and needs. It's larger, a completely different style, with great potential - but boy does it need work! Over the next few months, I'll be cataloging my thoughts for this new space, Scott is suggesting we call Beech Wood Cottage; and starting next spring, bringing you before and after photos of the space as we make this new home into a great home for us.

Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness and your support. Stay tuned!


  1. I can't wait to see all your new posts - I know whatever you do it will be awesome!

  2. Artie change is so good for the soul! We all need to challenge ourselves a bit.

    May I still order the cross bottle for my mother? Email me how you would like to be would mean the world to her.

    I think you will like my Giveaway from Royal Design Stencils..

    Art by Karena

  3. Huge changes can be scary and exciting. It is good you have someone to share them with! Blessings to you both on this new journey. And do we really have to wait until spring? Have fun each day!♥♫

  4. My condolences to you and your family during this time...and Congrats on your new home....I am sure there are a lot of emotions going on in your life right now, so wishing you peace!

  5. Thinking of you and Scott ... enjoy this new journey. Can't wait to see what you do!!!!!

  6. Sounds like you are off to a great start with that name. I`m sure you will turn it into something spectacular and I wish you an easy transition.


  7. Oh gee, do we really have to wait until next spring to see it? I can't wait!

  8. Hi Artie! I'm so sorry for all you've had to go through and I know your mom was so glad you could come to Texas and be with her. I saw you snaps on FB when you were in San Angelo. My husband was born there and lived there until his late 20s.
    I wish the best for you and Scott as you are looking forward to your new home!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Thank you for this post!

  10. Oh Artie Im sooo happy for you and Scott! I cant think of anyone who deserves it more!I just know your gonna come back with a stunner for us to see:)Enjoy the journey my friend! Deidre~

  11. You will always do well!! Kind heart and adventuresome spirit!! Us Texans are so happy to have you here! Best wishes on your new adventure!!

  12. Artie! I am so happy for you and Scott! A new move is a VERY exciting time. I know because that is just what WE are doing too, building a NEW HOME!!! I will be happy to follow you along on this new adventure! XO, Pinky

  13. What an exciting time for you both...can't wait to follow on your next venture!!

  14. Artie, I wish you and Scott all the luck in the world. I know, with your talent and great ideas, you will transform Beech Wood Cottage into a beautiful home. I look forward to following your journey.
