Travel Reviews

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Out of the Blue

You ever have something happen, right out of the blue? When my step-father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer 10-months ago, I made a difficult decision to leave my cushy corporate gig, and be self-employed as a full-time interior designer. It allowed me freedom to travel to Texas when my mother needed me most, and the opportunity to explore and develop a calling I've had for years.

Recently, with the sudden news of a new house, I've been thinking about getting back into the corporate pool to make purchasing all the lovely things to make Beech Wood Cottage a home. After all, a few design consultations, cross bottle sales, will not cover all of the wish list items, let along the must have items.

Then, out of the blue, I get a call from my corporate boss, asking me to take a temporary management position during a property transition. WHAT!?! Of course, I said! Sure, it's only temporary, but it's the boost I needed to feel comfortable making some of those sorts of decisions.

Might keep me from blogging as often as I'd like - but I'm still here! How was your day?


  1. Good for u. Things happen for a reason. And your call today is that!

  2. don't you love it when things like that happen? it is not an accident!

  3. Congratulations!

    I wish I could have that sort of luck. I've been unemployed since February and spend every day searching for a job. I'm even willing to travel to another city to work, but nothing has materialized yet. Heavy sigh.

  4. Good for you! I thought about you last week. I was in a store and saw these beautiful greenish opaque shallow dishes in rectangular shapes with different sayings imprinted in of them said "color outside the lines"....should've bought it for you for a housewarming! Good luck with the new job AND house!

  5. That is what I call perfect timing. I am happy for you that you will have the security you need right now for all the expenses you will have moving to a new home.

  6. Wow, how lucky was that! Great news!

  7. Since I believe, it must be a God-thing! And of course, you having the intelligence to do the "right" thing is a part of it, too! Blogging could help you keep your sanity and you wouldn't need to worry about therapy! Gardening is mine-helps me get ready to return to school in less than 10 days!♥♫

  8. The universe was kind to you. I'm a deep believer in putting things out to the universe and somehow they come back to you in remarkable ways. Good luck in the job and your exciting new home! Peggy from PA
