Travel Reviews

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thoughts, Trials, and Thinner

I honestly had no idea that so many of you liked the living room as is. I've gotten comments about how warm, and intimate, inviting, and lovely it is ... and it's had me rethinking my last post about changing it all. Perhaps all I needed was a little massage of the design ego? Perhaps I'm just extremely hungry and it's affected my otherwise level-headed mind?

So, my plan is to live with it for now. Finish the sunroom as I had planned to do before, and monitor my level of interest in changing it. That might take days, might take months, might take years. But, in true blog fashion - I'll put it all out there for you to see and discuss.

In other news, much more personal news I should say, I have been overwhelmed with joy at the emails and comments I have received about the journey that I am on to take back my control over food, and my body. Many of you have said, "Artie, you don't look like you need to lose weight from your photo", and you are absolutely right. In the photo at the top right, I don't need to lose weight. However, that photo was taken long before I started to put on the weight. One day, when I get up the courage (and I've met my goal) I'll post some photos of the Artie that I had to kick to the curb, but for now, trust me when I say - it was not the guy in the picture. Not even a little bit.

To date, I've lost 46.6 pounds.

I gave that it's own line on purpose. It's a powerful sentence isn't it? I mean, it could say, 5 pounds, 1 pounds, but it communicates the point that I am in control; something I've lacked for quite some time. Where does this put me in my overall goal? I'm a little less than 40 pounds from where I'd like to be, and about 25 pounds from meeting that guy up in the top right hand corner again.

What's the secret? Hard work. Plain and simple. There is no quick fix. There is no "diet". This is a targeted and focused realign of my priorities and my goals. It's a decision that took courage, is taking dedication and perseverance, and above all - it's taking a lot of self admiration and love. I can't really tell you how to do it, all I can say is, until you're ready to do it for yourself, you'll never be able to do it right.

So, there you have it - an update, which I had promised to give to you periodically. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and if you're anywhere near me - enjoy the sunshine!



  1. Artie -- I do get "tired" of things and want to move or change because I'm around it all the time. I go to my BFF's house and LOVE it and she's gripping about something or other and to me it looks PERFECT! So I think it's just a matter of being around it all the time and you get tired of it and want something new. To other's eyes, it's still "perfect".

  2. it's all about the march itch. i always feel like ripping my entire house apart this time of year and thank goodness my husband knows how to calm down certain parts of me before i take a sledgehammer to things. march is a hard month for me not being able to be outside and really needing to be, so instead of the nesting that happens in september/october i have the trapped feeling this time of year. your living room is great and i agree it looks fantastic. if your sofa is not comfy, get a new one but don't pull the whole space apart and make yourself crazy. those rolled arm chairs are amazing. congrats on feeling back in control of yourself and feeling better in general. hope all is well.

  3. AWESOME on your goals for being more healthy and taking control! Congrats and I am sure you will want to take a pic of YOU in one of your rooms?

  4. I have one very silly way that I lost twenty-five pounds in 3 months!
    I was decorating my son-in-law and daughter's new house in Montecito that had some serious flaws!

    I was so scared my son-in-law would veto my removal of things like the "locks" (horrific huge double key locks on interior and exterior doors) I forgot to eat lunch for 4 months!

    Tah Dah!

    Now; for the first time in my doctor has said to me: "do not lose any more weight!!!"

    skip lunch! just say'n!!


  5. I love it when a blog post feels REAL and this one hits the nail on the head! Thank you for your honesty about the flux of home decorating and the flux of life.

  6. Marty, my girlfriend and I were just talking about weight (too much of it) last night. We both habe gained since moving here a year and a half ago. We know it is too much wine, not enough exercise and for her STRESS! (She has a 35 year old handicapped son). So, I am making a plan and HOPEFULLY will start to see results. I know I need to WRITE IT DOWN and have it in front of me to be at all successful. I'll let you know. We are leaving for Fl. on Friday so this will be a REAL challenge! CONGRATULATIOND on the 46.6. I am so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Your living room is really warm and inviting. That photo is beautifully shot. Since you said the antique sofa was uncomfortable maybe you can just replace that while keeping the warm feeling. Looking forward to meeting you both in DC for Sunday breakfast! Michele

  8. I've always like your living room with the addition of the antique sofa too. I feel like it all fits the bones of the house really well. Could you talk to an upholsterer about tweaking it/adding better cushions that make it more comfortable.

    Congratulations on the weight loss!

  9. love the new header!!! and wow - almost 50 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fabulous!!!!!! wow. I'm impressed. congratulations!

  10. I have been a follower of your gorgeous blog for some time. You are such an inspiration for so many. Love your new header and wanted to tell you congratulations on your healthy journey!

  11. Looking amazing to see this . You have a great thanks for this shared .
