Travel Reviews

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Winter, Weather, WTF!?

Just when the weather broke, and a glimpse of Spring was to be had, we get news of an impending snow storm that could drop as much as 18" of snow! I'm officially done ... If I could afford to throw in the towel and move to the Bahama's I'd be on my way. Why!? Why I ask you! Why??

My house is suffering from this winter depression, too. What used to be a complete joy - cleaning, primping, restyling, moving, repurposing, freshening ... buying flowers, creating arrangements - is now just another reminder that I'm STUCK inside.

On a happier note, Scott and I are headed out on another vacation soon. The last time that we went to D.C. the Government decided to shut down over budget issues five days after we booked our trip. I was sure that a Congress of very intelligent people would have figured it all out before we left, 20-days later, but no. I should have capitalized that ...


So, while I certainly appreciated seeing D.C. while there was limited amounts of traffic, not being able to see any of the monuments, museums, or landmarks (yes, those were blocked too!) was a big let down. Once everything and everyone got back to work - I decided that seeing D.C. in March, during the opening of their Cherry Blossom Festival would be the best time to return to catch all the things we missed. Mind you, this is not an inexpensive trip ... but I enjoyed the city, and thought seeing it in Spring would make it that much better!

Enter the winter from hell!

There won't be cherry blossoms on those trees. They'll be as bare as the concrete sidewalk. At least I can look forward to seeing Michele of My Notting Hill for breakfast at our Hotel Sunday morning. I can't wait to pick her brain about D.C., blogging, her white floors, and just enjoying someone else who loves design.

On a personal note, (you're thinking - this was all personal Artie, you big cry baby, stop ranting about the weather) I'm mere ounces from having lost 50-pounds! A task that has taken a great deal of restraint, dedication, and devotion - something I have lacked in that area for a very long time. And since I always like to end on a good note ... ringalingaling ...


  1. Hi Artie! So happy for you on the diet and wonderful progress. I have not stopped by in a while and need to catch up with all my favorite blogs....of course you....take care and know that spring is just around the corner!

    cheers, kelley

  2. Come visit us in Santa Barbara! It is still a civilized place here! We need more rainfall......but we planted native plants that are supposed to live through a drought 17 years ago!

    It is very civilized! Come visit!!!


  3. YOWZERS!! 50 pounds! That is EPIC!! Congratulations! My Granny would say......."Lord have mercy upon my soul!" so that's what I say!

    and I add........."BRAVO!!"

  4. What? 50 lbs? That's amazing! I find that so inspiring, that kind of commitment to your own health. I'm trying to drop some, too, and I've worked so hard to get back to healthy eating -- not easy when you're a carb freak and total foodie. Sweets don't haunt me, it's salty and savory! You go, boy ;-)

  5. I just caught up on your blog - congrats on the weight loss, absolutely amazing and wishes for reaching your goal soon! Sad to see the living room couch go, but looking forward to seeing the new makeover! And as for the weather, we have certainly had our share of snow, haven't we? Spring just has to be around the corner - right??

  6. Rose is my favorite flower . Many thanks for this post .
