Thursday, August 23, 2018


Oh how I love Nina Campbell. Her nearly fifty-year career in interior design has always exemplified the best of English interiors. Her work spans nine books, and this one has to be my favorite. 

Nina Campbell Interior Decoration: Elegance and Ease features her gorgeous, quintessential English design, with sophisticated color combinations, tailored upholstery, whimsical antiques, while maintaining an unquestionable ease. Featured homes include her own in London, as well as lovely apartments in New York City and Rome, and a retreat in the English countryside, along with others. Each is as lovely as the next, all of them with the incomparable Nina Campbell touch. 

Interior design fads come and go as quickly as fashion these days. Even fashion used to have only 4 seasons, and now, thanks to extremely cheap goods - there are 52. Somehow though, with interiors, English design has endured; that love of layers, chintz, antiques and hard metals like brass, luxurious and well worn textiles like velvet and linen matched with the pared-down elegance of silk and passementerie embellished wovens. English design makes you all at once inspired and comfortable, and no one does it better than Nina. Let's take a look: 

If you are an avid Anglophile like me, and you love English design, you have got to buy this book! Take a closer look, and purchase your own copy via the link below:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love everything, especially that room on the cover of the book - wow, just gorgeous!


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