When the network introduced the designers and their portfolios to America back in May, I formed an opinion of which three, (based on portfolio's) would make it to the top. They were : drumroll please : Tom, Emily, and Trent.

I believed that each one had an inspiring portfolio worthy of admiration. I saw pieces of myself in the rooms they created, and the influence of top designers who almost all of the blog world covets on a daily basis. (Myself included!) Take a look at my favorites from each:

A little Dan Marty, A little Eddie Ross, A lot Ralph Lauren; I felt like Tom had the eye that was able to marry things that were loved and inherited with the things that were necessary and new. He was/is attractive and knowledgeable, but above all - he inspired me.
Trent has an eye for design, similar to Barclay Butera. That beach aesthetic that most of the US craves - both those in climates that are directly relative, and those that only wish they were steps from the sea. He had/has a great smile and again, was/is inspiring.
EMILY: Come on, let's face it. She's got a feminine aesthetic that will relate well to almost all of HGTV's viewers. I see Sarah Richardson in her work, maybe a little Vern, too! It's soft, comfortable, elegant and rich -and who doesn't want a little of that in their home - feminine or not. She's cute as a button, and her styling career could prove to be a huge benefit to her and having her own show, and of the three - she was/is my favorite.
Of course, it's not all based on talent. Nope! No reality show ever is. There's likability - by judges, networks, television monitors, and editors. So, I chose my top 3 based on looks alone:
Dan, Courtland, and Casey. Why? Do you really have to ask?

So, considering my early predictions, I wasn't too surprised to see the top 3, selected to compete for the title.

I'm not going to lie. There were episodes this season that literally put me to sleep. I questioned the ability of the casting directors to scope out talent - and I quite honestly hope the network did too. But this was a good show. They went back to their roots: glass houses. Remember the first season of Design Star? David and Alice designed glass houses, too! And after watching the rooms come together, my favorite hands down went to (surprise, surprise) Emily:
Genevieve said it best: "Emily, your room looked really rich! And it's hard to make a glass box look rich." It was rich! It was fun and flirty, traditional and modern, and paired my favorite colors together in a palette that is simple and sophisticated.
Thankfully the judges agreed with me, and sent Emily into the finale with Michael - and next week we'll watch them compete for the title of Design star. Now, you know what I think - who do you think will take this season?
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I scanned/skipped and skimmed through most of the episodes this season. I really didn't like the changes they made to the format this year and think that Clive lends a little levity and breaks the tension when he hosts.
The hokey/silly challenges this year didn't add up and usually fell short. Not enough individual challenges and too much 'team' work shows little of the actual contestants talent and a lot of drama between them for the TV shots.
HOWEVER...I think that my fav 2 talents were Emily and Tom. Probably because they lean a little more toward my taste/style...lol. BUT, honestly...I believe that someone who can blend existing/vintage/antique pieces with new ones to make a room feel and look cohesive, is a designer I'd want to work on my room. Nobody today, can afford to have someone come in and totally turn a room in all new furnishings and especially those that have no meaning to them. The homeowner could not feel comfortable in a room that has no personal connection to him or her.
So...anyway...I found that Emily has a blog and I have been following it for a while now. Before the show started. She's pretty good.:-) I think she might win...
Enough from me...**Tami
Mr. Artie, Sir! It is almost 9pm here in central Oregon. I was browsing blogs and saw your post title. What a dilemma ... do I read it now, BEFORE the show airs here, or do I wait? I couldn't wait. I must say, from day one I liked both Emily and Michael so I'm glad they made it to the final three. So in an hour I will be able to see the real thing and my hunch is I will enjoy Emily's most as well. Sweet dreams.
ReplyDeleteI have been a big fan of this show...until this season. I found most of the episodes and designs to be rather bland and I missed seeing individual challenges. What's up with all the silly challenges based on fruit and musical instruments? In all fairness I have not seen the glass box episode yet so I will reserve comments on that. The old format was so much better.
ReplyDeleteWow! Those rooms are gorgeous! I can't wait to see more. Now that we have a house, I'll be visiting more for ideas!
ReplyDeleteI haven't watched it yet, but had to look anyway! Fabulous room, and I admit from viewing her portfolio when the show started, as you did, I liked her work. But, can we say a few words about Vern this season.....I this he was just plain mean at times :)
awe, we don't have cable so I don't get to see this, Tom speaks my decorating language in his top two photos, Trent's style is great too. Sounds like a fun show to watch, I have to settle for Bachelor pad, Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI was quite disappointed in this season of Design Star. The group designs left a lot to be desired! I do wish the show will return to the original format...showcasing individual effort. That's what we will see on the shows...and that's what we have in our own homes.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the designers go...Emily's viewpoint seems to resonate with most of the viewers. I liked most of what she shared during the season. (Trent's portfolio was more to my liking.)
Jane (Artfully graced)
I never watch this show Artie...am I missing something really great?
ReplyDeleteI like the portfolio pics you showed and I agree with all of your comments about the contestants talents.
I'm into "flipping out" right now...me and Zoila love Jeffery L.
Artie-I have been wondering when or if you would post about Design Star. I picked Tom and Trent from their portfolios also. I totally agree about seeing Sarah Richardson in Emily. For me, that can never be a bad thing. I think SR is my favorite tv designer. The season started off limping and has steadily worked up to a gallop---thank goodness! Really, I think all three are talented and could see all of them doing a show. I think Emily needs more confidence and stage presence, but I love her work! Have missed "seeing" you :)
ReplyDeleteVern has been waaaaaay to serious this season! It has driven me NUTS! The challenges have been so hokie and I HATE all the flippin drama between the contestants!
ReplyDeleteI hope they revamp this show before next season! Bring back CLIVE!!
I am happy with the finalists!
Lou Cinda :)
Vern has been waaaaaay to serious this season! It has driven me NUTS! The challenges have been so hokie and I HATE all the flippin drama between the contestants!
ReplyDeleteI hope they revamp this show before next season! Bring back CLIVE!!
I am happy with the finalists!
Lou Cinda :)
While I love me so HGTV this is one show that NEVER EVER gets my attention, and I wish I did everytime I read your post about it.
ReplyDeleteI dont know why I can't ever get into it. I do love Color Splash with David, I think he is fabulous (a little selfserving, but fabulous non the less)
Enjoyed reading your summary and pic of Emily's finished room. Since I like to "study" the rooms, it is so frustrating to see the finished rooms on the show for a few seconds. Really hard to get a good look. I really enjoyed last night show, but have been disappointed in the talent of some of the previous episodes.
ReplyDeleteOh, I adore this post. It's entertainingly stylish.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know about your blogging event. I will participate from this week onwards. And in my latest post (which is the post I will participate this week), I mentioned you, your two blogs, and the blogging event. See for yourself: http://caffeinatedglobe.blogspot.com/2010/08/comfort-breakfast-ideas-fruit-pies.html